Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Gyan aur Vigyan Mein antar

Gyan aur Vigyan Mein antar 
ज्ञान से मनुष्य जीवन को सफल बनाया जा सकता है जिससे मनुष्य अपने भक्ति कर्मों से अपने जीवन में आने वाली हर कठिनाई को दूर कर सकता है और मोक्ष प्राप्त कर सकता है 
विज्ञान से केवल आर्थिक लाभ प्राप्त किया जा सकता है या छोटी मोटी सुख सुविधाएं प्राप्त होती है

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Simple ways to avoid the corona epidemic.

Sant Rampal ji requests Maharaj to do devotion and seek his refuge because he can only end this epidemic. 
, END OF ORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIA UAIVANOAOJ Respected Mr. Modi ji, Presently, the entire country is suffering due to Corona virus epidemic and there is a SOE OFA DIS DIS DIS DIS DISET YET TO COME.  With folded hands, we request you to pray to India and its people to pray to Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to end this epidemic.  To know more, send us the free book "Gyan Ganga" your name, address 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Only spiritual gurus can make human life successful.

If one does not do true devotion when there are physical facilities to live the importance of devotion, then that person is enjoying the fruits of devotion done in previous lives.  Today, if you do not do true devotion, you will have to suffer at the age of eighty in the next birth.  Follow true devotion, remove eighty-four curses.
Only a person who gets Satnam from the true Guru can go to Satlok.In verses 23 and 24 of Gita Ji chapter 14, it is clearly written that those who practice this arbitrary worship by renouncing the Shastra method, neither get any pleasure nor any benefit or that which is  Should or should not.  Only proof

Friday, June 19, 2020

Spirit is satisfied by doing devotion

भक्ति का महत्व जीने भौतिक सुविधाएं होने पर यदि कोई सत्य भक्ति नहीं करता तो वह व्यक्ति पूर्व जन्मों में की गयी भक्ति का ही फल भोग रहा है । आज यदि सत्य भक्ति नहीं करते तो अगले जन्म में चौरासी में कष्ट उठाना पड़ेगा । सत्य भक्ति अपनाएं , चौरासी से छुटकारा पाएं ।

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Spirit is satisfied by doing devotion

Spirit is satisfied by doing devotion
There is evidence in the holy scriptures of Vedas, Gita ji etc. that whenever there is loss of religion and increase of unrighteousness and the nature of devotional path has been spoiled by the present fake fake saints, Mahants and Gurus.  Then God himself comes back or sends his supreme saint to restore religion through true knowledge.In verses 23 and 24 of Gita Ji chapter 16, it is clearly written that those who practice this arbitrary worship by renouncing the scripture method get neither any pleasure nor any benefit or any accomplishment which should be done or not done for this scripture.  Only proof

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Lord Kabir Our Savior

गीता जी अध्याय 16 के श्लोक 23 और 24 में स्पष्ट लिखा है शास्त्र विधि को त्याग कर जो मनमानी पूजा यह आचरण करते हैं  उनको ना तो कोई सुख ना कोई लाभ ना कोई सिद्धि प्राप्त होती है जो साधना करना चाहिए या ना करना चाहिए इसके लिए शास्त्र ही प्रमाण है
उस तत्वदर्शी संत के बताए अनुसार साधना करनी चाहिए जिससे पूर्ण मोक्ष(अनादि मोक्ष) प्राप्त होता है। गीता ज्ञान दाता ने कहा है कि मैं भी उसी की शरण में हूँ।
देखें ईश्वर चैनल रात 8:30 बजे 

Friday, June 12, 2020

There is evidence in the Vedas that God is the father of all.

There is evidence in the Vedas that God is the father of all.
 Virtue comes from the satsang of the saint.  By listening to the satsang of the Tatvadarshi saint, one gets to know the basic duty of life.  Man renounces all defects.
In verses 23 and 24 of Gita Ji chapter 14, it is clearly written that those who practice this arbitrary worship by renouncing the Shastra method, neither get any pleasure nor any benefit or that which  Should or should not be done for.  Proof only